Endorsement: Vote Mama

Yay! We have been endorsed by Vote Mama!
I am so happy to have Vote Mama's support! Being able to connect to other moms who are running and leading is powerful. It proves moms should have seats at tables where decisions are being made. I am running for my son and his future peers.

We see some schools highlighted for their amazing programs, but I have visited schools that are overlooked. One in particular a student said to me, "We see what they have at schools like Poly and City. We know we go to a 'bad school'. No one says anything good about our school, they only talk about us when it's bad." The funding issues I saw at this school can be fixed. We have to prioritize the funding for these schools and give them the resources that were promised to them. Every year that goes by without these resources, we send graduates into the world that are not prepared

As a former foster care youth with trauma and learning disabilities, I know the risk. We need more parents on the school board that will make sure that resources are distributed equitably across the city. I want to be an advocate for the most vulnerable students in Baltimore City.

We plan on enrolling Vinny in Baltimore City Public Schools when he is of age. The way I see it, Vinny's outcome is tied to the outcome of every child in Baltimore City. #ElectThisMama


The Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) has endorsed Ashley Esposito & Salimah Jasani for Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners!


Mayor Scott Launches Search to Fill Two New School Board Openings